Genki - DragonBall collection -


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My most wanted cels are Gohan cel, but I would like too other cels -_^ Please check down and see if you've a cel who can interest me!!

Click on attached images to enlarge.

Series/Description    Sample    Priority
DBZ - Android N°16
This Android N°16 cel when his starting to launch his Rocket Punch Medium
DBZ - Cell
Unbelievable cel of Cell!! I really wan't it!! Very High
This cel of Imperfect Cell from a flashback sequence. High
This imperfect Cell cel with ki around him. High
This perfect Cell cel!! I really like the Cell position!! "Vegeta, you'll not beat me!" High
This semi-imperfect Cell cel, just before he explode the android N°16. High
DBZ - Gohan & Gokou
Kame Hame Ha!! Imada Gohan! Very High
DBZ - Piccolo
This Piccolo cel when he made is Gekiretsudam with ki around him. High
DBZ - Shenron
This pan cel of Shenron on Kami-sama's palace! Very High
DBZ - Vegeta
This pan cel of Super Vegeta!! High
**MY ULTIMATE WISHLIST CEL** Gohan just after he goes Super Saiyan 2!! Will Give Kidney
This exact cel of SS2 Gohan Very High
This exact cel of SS2 Gohan Very High
This exact cel of SS2 Gohan Very High
This exact cel when Gohan goes SS2!! He was an unbelievable expression!! Very High
This unbelievable pan cel of Gohan when Piccolo give it is new clothes!! With cape ^_^ Very High
This unbelievable pan cel of SS2 Gohan! With his broke arm!! Very High
One of this cloth up cel of Gohan High
This cel of Gohan when he goes SS2 on ROSAT High
This funnny cel of Gohan :p High
This unbelievable pan Cel of Gokou from ROSAT!!! KAMEHEMEHA!! Very High
This cel of Gokou with nice details of his muscles High

Curator: Genki
Gallery Created: 3/11/2003
Hits: 22228

Presentation 8.13/10   Collection 8.43/10   Overall 8.29/10   Votes 39 votes
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